Gameplay Design
Gameplay Assistant on Infamous
Parkour and Path Zones
As a Gameplay Assistant on Infamous I created path zone meshes, which were meshes that dictated where the player character and NPCs could and could not go, as well as splines and markers which enabled Cole to climb on buildings and structures. This job allowed me to take the buildings that were already created by the artists and rearrange trims, sconces, window panes or add pipes as needed to create an intuitive path up to the roof of the building. In doing so I took a lot of feedback from others to make sure that each individual asset was first, climbable but most importantly, fun. Feedback became very important throughout the project and my work pipeline.
As a Gameplay Assistant on Infamous I created path zone meshes, which were meshes that dictated where the player character and NPCs could and could not go, as well as splines and markers which enabled Cole to climb on buildings and structures. This job allowed me to take the buildings that were already created by the artists and rearrange trims, sconces, window panes or add pipes as needed to create an intuitive path up to the roof of the building. In doing so I took a lot of feedback from others to make sure that each individual asset was first, climbable but most importantly, fun. Feedback became very important throughout the project and my work pipeline.
Systemic Mission Creation
Infamous is an open world game which allowed for hand placed enemy encounters that could be randomly triggered. I had the opportunity to place a number of these throughout the islands. With this system I could set enemy starting locations, types of enemies and change the trigger conditions. These encounters were meant to be short and sweet, something to occupy the player while he's getting from point a to b. It became a lot of fun to put these together, to try and find new and creative ways of rearranging the enemies so that they would flood out from unexpected areas, or catch the player off guard. You really had to consider the encounter from all angles, as the player can climb on anything. Collectible Placement While on the project I was also given the opportunity to place collectibles, which were in the form of 'blast shards' in inFAMOUS. Since I had an intimate knowledge of the buildings and what was climbable, placing shards in hard-to-reach or challenging areas of the city was a natural next step. These shards were placed throughout all 3 islands in total there were 350 blast shards which myself and John Hall placed. |